NetHack Poll 2009 =================== The intention of this poll is to gather some information about NetHack players, both currently active and past players for helping us variants developers for design decisions and to get a small insight into the NetHack community as a whole. Even if you no longer play NetHack regularly, please take part in this poll. Most questions make sense also for former players and one question asks explicitly why you no longer play NetHack. It will run through the month of November. Afterwards the results will be released to the public. Please spread the word about this poll to other NetHack playing people you know. Send replies to 1. What is your age and gender? 2. Which country do you live in? 3. Do you play locally, on a server or both? 4. Do you play Tiles or ASCII or both? 5. On which Operating Systems or Devices do you play NetHack? 6. Where did you get your copy of NetHack from? 7. Do you play a patched NetHack or variants of NetHack? 8. Which other Roguelikes have you ever played? (Crawl, ADOM, Angband, etc.) 9. Where did you learn about NetHack? 10. And when? 11. How often did you win NetHack? (If never, you may specify your best game.) 12. To what extent do you use spoiler for playing NetHack? 13. If you no longer play NetHack regularly, why and when did you quit? 14. If you take part in the NetHack DevNull tournament: where did you hear about it? 15. Did you ever recommend NetHack to someone? 16. Which computer game other than NetHack did you play most in the last three months (August, September, October)? 17. Please specify a valid e-mail address if you would like to receive the results of this poll. Many thanks, Patric Mueller (lead developer of NetHack-De and UnNetHack) Note: Your e-mail address will not be shared with any third parties. After the poll is closed and the final results have been published all replies will be deleted. This text can be downloaded from