Name of a family (_Chameleonidae_) and race (_Chameleo_) of
scaly lizards, especially the _Chameleo vulgaris_ species,
with a short neck, claws, a grasping tail, a long, extendible
tongue and mutually independent moving eyes. When it is
scared or angry, it inflates itself and its transparent skin
shows its blood: the skin first appears greenish, then
gradually changes color until it is a spotted red. The final
color depends on the background color as well, hence the
(figurative) implication of unreliability. [Capitalized:]
a constellation of the southern hemisphere (Chameleo).
[ Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal ]
Chamäleon (chameleon)
Level 6
Rüstungsklasse: | 6 |
Geschwindigkeit: | 5 |
Magieresistenz: | 10 |
Gesinnung: | neutral |
- Biss: 4d2 gewöhnlicher Schaden
Andere Eigenschaften:
- besitzt einen Tierkörper
- hat keine Hände um Dinge zu benutzen
- verspeist Kadaver
- Spieler darf nicht in eins transformieren
- immer feindselig erzeugt