

Zyklop (Cyclops)

Level 18

Rüstungsklasse: 0
Magieresistenz: 0
Gesinnung: neutral


  • Waffe: 4d8 gewöhnlicher Schaden
  • Waffe: 4d8 gewöhnlicher Schaden
  • Greifer: 2d6 schlägt, kann Amulet stehlen (Zauberer)


  • versteinerungsresistent

Andere Eigenschaften:

  • hat humanoiden Kopf, Arme oder Rumpf
  • Allesfresser
  • Spieler darf nicht in eins transformieren
  • ist ein Riese
  • kräftiges (oder großes) Monster
  • wirft Felsbrocken
  • folgt Spieler auf andere Level
  • immer feindselig erzeugt
  • extra-fieses Monster (mehr TP)
  • immer männlich
  • mag Edelsteine
  • hebt Waffen und Nahrungsmittel auf
  • will das Quest-Artefakt
  • wartet auf Entdeckung durch Spieler oder Angriff
  • besitzt Infravision
  • sichtbar durch Infravision

And after he had milked his cattle swiftly,
he again took hold of two of my men
and had them as his supper.
Then I went, with a tub of red wine,
to stand before the Cyclops, saying:
"A drop of wine after all this human meat,
so you can taste the delicious wine
that is stored in our ship, Cyclops."
He took the tub and emptied it.
He appreciated the priceless wine that much
that he promptly asked me for a second tub.
"Give it", he said, "and give me your name as well".
Thrice I filled the tub,
and after the wine had clouded his mind,
I said to him, in a tone as sweet as honey:
"You have asked my name, Cyclops? Well,
my name is very well known. I'll give it to you,
if you give me the gift you promised me as a guest.
My name is Nobody. All call me thus:
my father and my mother and my friends."
Ruthlessly he answered to this:
"Nobody, I will eat you last of all;
your host of friends will completely precede you.
That will be my present to you, my friend."
And after these words he fell down backwards,
restrained by the all-restrainer Hupnos.
His monstrous neck slid into the dust;
the red wine squirted from his throat;
the drunk vomited lumps of human flesh.
[ The Odyssey, (chapter Epsilon), by Homer ]

Erzeugt mit nhtohtml 1.8. Author: Robert Sim
Angepasst für NetHack-De von Patric Mueller.