"The original story harks back, so they say, to the sixteenth
century. Using long-lost formulas from the Kabbala, a rabbi is
said to have made an artificial man -- the so-called Golem -- to
help ring the bells in the Synagogue and for all kinds of other
menial work.
"But he hadn't made a full man, and it was animated by some sort
of vegetable half-life. What life it had, too, so the story
runs, was only derived from the magic charm placed behind its
teeth each day, that drew down to itself what was known as the
`free sidereal strength of the universe.'
"One evening, before evening prayers, the rabbi forgot to take
the charm out of the Golem's mouth, and it fell into a frenzy.
It raged through the dark streets, smashing everything in its
path, until the rabbi caught up with it, removed the charm, and
destroyed it. Then the Golem collapsed, lifeless. All that was
left of it was a small clay image, which you can still see in
the Old Synagogue." ...
[ The Golem, by Gustav Meyrink ]
Steingolem (stone golem)
Level 14
Rüstungsklasse: | 5 |
Geschwindigkeit: | 6 |
Magieresistenz: | 50 |
Gesinnung: | neutral |
- Greifer: 3d8 gewöhnlicher Schaden
- schlafresistent
- giftresistent
- versteinerungsresistent
Andere Eigenschaften:
- atmet nicht
- hat kein Bewusstsein
- hat humanoiden Kopf, Arme oder Rumpf
- besitzt eine dicke Haut oder Schuppen
- immer feindselig erzeugt
- kräftiges (oder großes) Monster