

Uruk-Hai (Uruk-hai)

Level 3

Rüstungsklasse: 10
Magieresistenz: 0
Gesinnung: neutral


  • Waffe: 1d8 gewöhnlicher Schaden

Andere Eigenschaften:

  • hat humanoiden Kopf, Arme oder Rumpf
  • Allesfresser
  • ist ein Ork
  • kräftiges (oder großes) Monster
  • mag Gold
  • mag Edelsteine
  • hebt Waffen und Nahrungsmittel auf
  • sichtbar durch Infravision
  • besitzt Infravision

Orcs, bipeds with a humanoid appearance, are related to the
goblins, but much bigger and more dangerous. The average orc
is only moderately intelligent, has broad, muscled shoulders,
a short neck, a sloping forehead and a thick, dark fur.
Their lower eye-teeth are pointing forward, like a boar's.
Female orcs are more lightly built and bare-chested. Not
needing any clothing, they do like to dress in variegated
apparels. Suspicious by nature, orcs live in tribes or
hordes. They tend to live underground as well as above
ground (but they dislike sunlight). Orcs can use all weapons,
tools and armours that are used by men. Since they don't have
the talent to fashion these themselves, they are constantly
hunting for them. There is nothing a horde of orcs cannot
[ het Boek van de Regels; Het Oog des Meesters ]

Erzeugt mit nhtohtml 1.8. Author: Robert Sim
Angepasst für NetHack-De von Patric Mueller.