

Baumnymphe (wood nymph)

Level 3

Rüstungsklasse: 9
Magieresistenz: 20
Gesinnung: neutral


  • Greifer: 0d0 stiehlt Gegenstand
  • Greifer: 0d0 verführt und stiehlt mehrere Gegenstände

Andere Eigenschaften:

  • hat humanoiden Kopf, Arme oder Rumpf
  • kann teleportieren
  • immer feindselig erzeugt
  • immer weiblich
  • hebt Waffen und Nahrungsmittel auf
  • sichtbar durch Infravision

A female creature from Roman and Greek mythology, the nymph
occupied rivers, forests, ponds, etc. A nymph's beauty is
beyond words: an ever-young woman with sleek figure and
long, thick hair, radiant skin and perfect teeth, full lips
and gentle eyes. A nymph's scent is delightful, and her
long robe glows, hemmed with golden threads and embroidered
with rainbow hues of unearthly magnificence. A nymph's
demeanour is graceful and charming, her mind quick and witty.

"Theseus felt her voice pulling him down into fathoms of
sleep. The song was the skeleton of his dream, and the dream
was full of terror. Demon girls were after him, and a bull-
man was goring him. Everywhere there was blood. There was
pain. There was fear. But his head was in the nymph's lap
and her musk was about him, her voice weaving the dream. He
knew then that she had been sent to tell him of something
dreadful that was to happen to him later. Her song was a
warning. But she had brought him a new kind of joy, one that
made him see everything differently. The boy, who was to
become a hero, suddenly knew then what most heroes learn
later -- and some too late -- that joy blots suffering and
that the road to nymphs is beset by monsters."
[ The Minotaur by Bernard Evslin ]

Erzeugt mit nhtohtml 1.8. Author: Robert Sim
Angepasst für NetHack-De von Patric Mueller.